sign me up

at Louis Place will welcome new writers in September 2024.  Register by September 11, 2024. 

Step 1: Complete a short registration form that collects information about your access needs, your current time zone, and your writing goals. The form also describes our sliding scale contribution philosophy and our community compass. Don’t worry, no writing sample required. 

Step 2: After you submit, give us time to read your materials; we’ll send you a personal response with your next steps. If you apply during a period when registrations aren’t open, you’ll automatically be added to our waiting list; we’ll review your application for the next available cycle.

Step 3: Check out. You will receive your checkout instructions via email.

Step 4: On September 16, 2024, you’ll receive an email with a special link to access

During each application season, we host information sessions for writers who are curious about whether we’re a good fit. Our next information session will be September 5, 2024. Use the button above to register.

If you still have questions or want to speak with someone directly, we’re happy to chat with you via Zoom or email to figure out whether at Louis Place is right for you. Start the process by registering your interest (follow the ‘sign up’ link above) or sending us a note.

You can also follow what we’re reading and thinking about by joining our mailing list or checking out our Instagram.  
Programs at Louis Place in 2024-2025 are made possible in part through the sponsorship of The Field, with funding from the Wagner Foundation.  Email